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Understanding Of Management Accounting

Understanding Of Management Accounting
According to the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), that according to management accounting is the process of identification, measurement, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation, and communication of information used by management to plan, evaluate and control within an entity to ensure and accountability preparation of resources the power.
Meanwhile, The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) states that management accounting as ulcerative extends in three areas as follows
  • Strategic Management. Management accounting has a role that served as a strategic partner in the organization
  • Performance Management. Accounting management has development practices in making business decisions and manage performance within the organization
  • Risk management. Accounting management has contributed in making the framework and raktik to identify, measure, manage and report risks to achieve organizational goals.

According to Halim and Supomo (2000: 3) states that management accounting is A activities (processes) that generate financial information for management to economic decision making in executing management functions.

Meanwhile, according to Mulyadi (2001: 2) states that the definition of management accounting is the financial information which is the output generated by the type of management accounting, which is used mainly by internal users of the organization.

Destination Management Accounting For Type of Information
Management accounting information systems are not bound by any formal criteria that define the nature of the process, input, or output so that the criteria are flexible and are based on management's objectives. Managerial accounting system has three broad objectives: (Hansen, 2009: 4)
  1. Providing information for the calculation of the cost of services, products, or other objects that are determined by management. Therefore, the implementation of the provision of information to calculations by the management fee is used to evaluate the accuracy of decisions designed to improve productivity, lower costs, expand market share and increase profits
  2. Provides information for planning, control, evaluation, and continuous improvement. Therefore, the information needed to identify opportunities for improvement and evaluate the progress made in implementing the various actions designed to create improvements.
  3. Provide information for decision making. Therefore, the importance of decision-making by selecting or some strategy makes the most sense in giving a guarantee of growth and long-term viability for the company.

Relationships with Financial Accounting Management Accounting and Cost Accounting
According to Mulyadi (2001: 8) management accounting and financial accounting, closely related to one another, namely:

The first, generally acceptable accounting principles in financial accounting is likely also a relevant measurement principle in management accounting. For example, financial accounting the principle of matching revenues and expenses are concerned with income in calculating the profits from the company within a certain period.

Similarly, management accounting adheres to the same principles in measuring profits terentu profit center managers to measure the performance of the relevant profit center.

Second, financial accounting and management accounting information using the same operation as raw material to produce the information presented to the user. Therefore, in the processing of financial information used guideline that generally acceptable accounting principles used as a reference in collecting baseline data in order to produce information that will be processed through financial accounting and management accounting. If this is not done, there will be duplication in data collection activities.

The basic difference between management accounting and financial accounting according to Halim and Supomo (2005: 11):

  • User Information: financial accounting serves mainly financial information for external parties (creditors, governments, investors, trade unions, etc.), while accounting management, especially for management (internal side) of the company.
  • Basis of Presentation of Information: The information is presented based on accounting principles generally accepted accounting principles, while the presentation of accounting information management is not bound by the principles of generally accepted accounting. Management accounting is no underlying, in the sense that no other parties that govern how the management accounting information should be presented. For management accounting is more important are the benefits of the information, not a matter of compliance with accounting principles.
  • Focus Information: financial accounting information describing the position and the financial capacity of the company as a whole as a unified business unit, while accounting management about providing financial information of the parts within the company.

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nama     :  vidia anggun kirana
kelas      : 3EB08
NPM      : 29213137

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Hai...sapa seorang pria kepada salah satu pengunjung kafe yang sudah lama menunggunya. Pria itu memiliki wajah yang tampan dengan tubuh yang proposional yang mampu membuat semua mata tertuju kepadanya dia adalah Bryan Pratama seorang CEO dari Dirgantara Company. Hari itu dia sedang mengunjungi sahabarnya bernama Rama.
Bryan  :  hai ram, gimana kabar lu?

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